Indianapolis Exposure to Toxic Substances Lawyers

Worker safety should be one of the main concerns of any employer, regardless of the industry or type of job in question. When construction companies fail to ensure the safety of their employees, dangerous work environments are likely to result which put employees at serious risk for accidents and injuries.

If you have been injured due to the failure of your employer to provide a safe and secure construction site, contact the Indianapolis construction accident attorneys of Hankey Marks & Crider at (317) 634-8565.

Exposure to Toxic Substances

In warehouses and on many construction sites, workers are at risk for exposure to dangerous and toxic substances. Hazardous substances are often used in the manufacturing and construction process, as well as in strong industrial cleaners.

When employers fail to warn employees about the hazards of these substances, or when they do not provide employees with sufficient safety materials to work with these substances, the employers can be held liable for any injuries or illnesses that affect the workers exposed to these chemicals. Important pieces of safety equipment include:

  • Safety masks
  • Safety googles
  • Protective suits/gloves

If you are suffering from an injury or illness that was caused by exposure to a toxic substance at your workplace, the Indianapolis toxic substances lawyers of Hankey Marks & Crider are here to provide you with the representation you need for your case.

Contact Us

Employees who carelessly disregard the safety of their workers absolutely must be held responsible when accidents and injuries occur. If you have suffered from exposure to toxic or hazardous substances while working at a construction site, contact the Indianapolis workplace injury lawyers of Hankey Marks & Crider today at (317) 634-8565 and schedule a consultation.