Depression can be an important part of a person’s disability or injury case, and as your attorneys we really need to know if you are experiencing a depression. We all feel down at times and these feelings can sometimes linger for weeks. But when such feelings become a pattern over time, and affect our daily life, it is time to ask whether you might be in a depression. Some of the signs of depression are:

  • Frequent feelings of sadness, pessimism, worthlessness, guilt, and feeling trapped by your circumstances and hopeless
  • Lack of energy and feeling tired
  • Loss of interest in things you usually like
  • Problems with sleep, or being nervous, fearful, or anxious
  • Problems with eating, weight loss or weight gain
  • Difficulties with concentration, memory, or decision-making
  • Feeling desperate, with even suicidal thoughts

Most often depression can be overcome, especially with help. But being willing to get help can be a problem because when we are in a depression we may not feel worthy of feeing better. Remember, being depressed is not your fault! You deserve help. Depression is also sometimes “anger turned inward”, and that anger or shame can get in the way of your receiving the help you need and deserve.

Depression often causes a chemical imbalance that affects our emotions. Your doctor can prescribe medicine that can correct that imbalance. Secondly, you are unique, and mental health professionals will provide the opportunity to understand the reasons for your particular depression. It could be a result of being unable to work, financial problems, pain from other medical conditions, grief, and even issues from childhood.

Life is difficult enough; don’t let depression keep you down. Please, allow yourself to find a way to receive the treatment that you need. Talk to your doctor, and see a mental health professional. There is hope. You can feel better. And you are worth the effort!