Lawyer for Child Injury Due to Daycare Abuse in Indianapolis

Many parents are faced with the decision of choosing an appropriate daycare facility for their children when they return to work in order to provide a comfortable existence for the family. Parents are understandably concerned about the care their children receive as a result of numerous accounts of daycare abuse in the news. While it does occur, the majority of children do not experience any abuse while in daycare.

Any parent that suspects his or her child has been the subject of neglect or abuse at daycare should be on the lookout for changes in personality or behavior. Children who have been abused at daycare have traditionally shown distinct changes in how they act. If they had previously enjoyed their time at daycare and entered with no apprehensions, they may now start crying at the door to the building, or even before they are even close to the building.

Personality changes can be more dramatic. Children who have been chatty in the past may become sullen or withdrawn if they have been abused at daycare. Other children opt not to play with their toys and seem sad.

If abuse is suspected, it is important not to act too alarmed around the child. The child has potentially already undergone a traumatic, to say the least, experience and is likely not to react well to panicked parents. In addition, it is important to inform the daycare of the suspicions in a non-alarmist manner as well.

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    Contact an Indianapolis Personal Injury Lawyer

    If you believe your child has been abused or neglected at a daycare facility, contact the Indianapolis child injury attorneys At Hankey Marks & Crider, at (317) 634-8565.