Indianapolis Incorrect Prescription Attorney

Drug errors in the United States are unfortunately common. One study conducted in 2006 found that there are approximately 1.5 million people killed, injured, or made sick by medical errors involving prescription drugs every year.

One of the easiest ways that these accidents occur is when patients are given an incorrect medication. The names of many prescription drugs are very similar to one another, and when doctors write illegibly, or when pharmacy workers don’t take the time to carefully examine a written prescription and double check the prescriptions they fill, patients can easily end up with the wrong drugs.

Contact the Indianapolis incorrect prescription lawyers of Hankey Marks & Crider today at (317) 634-8565 if you have been given the wrong medication.

Additional Dangers

When a patient is given the wrong medication, he or she actually suffers from two distinct medical problems. First, the patient is given a medication that he or she does not need. Any time medication is unnecessarily given to a patient, there is a chance that he or she will have a dangerous and unpredictable reaction.

While this alone poses a serious threat, it is not the only existing danger. When a patient is given the wrong medication, he or she is also deprived of the medication that was truly needed. The lack of intended treatment may cause his or her existing medical condition to worsen considerably.

The Indianapolis incorrect prescription lawyers of Hankey Marks & Crider are here to help you with your medical malpractice lawsuit if you have been given the wrong prescription drugs.

Contact Us

If you or someone you know has been given the wrong prescription, contact the Indianapolis incorrect prescription attorney of Hankey Marks & Crider today at (317) 634-8565 to schedule a consultation.