Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is designed to provide financial assistance to those struggling with disabilities. Funds for this program are paid by the U.S. General Treasury Fund. Many people are granted this assistance for a long period of time. It can be difficult to obtain and in many cases may require several appeals before approval is gained.

The government offers incentives to disabled individuals on SSI benefits who are able to find work. If you are looking to learn more about work incentives for SSI beneficiaries, contact the experienced SSI attorneys of Hankey Marks & Crider by calling (317) 634-8565 today.

What are Work Incentives?

Receiving SSI benefits does not necessarily mean that disabled people are unable to work toward their career goals. Work incentives encourage the disabled and blind to work by continuing SSI benefits in addition to income. Monthly SSI benefits may still be paid, or disabled individuals may still be entitled to Medicare or Medicaid health care plans even if they have a steady flow of income.

Many special conditions apply to SSI Work Incentives. There are numerous programs, and without the help of a professional, you may be unaware of the full range of benefits that are available. SSI benefits can be difficult to obtain and it is essential that you secure these funds if you or someone you love is in need.

Contact Us

The attorneys of Hankey Marks & Crider, can help you with you SSI claim from start to finish. Our Indianapolis SSI lawyers are aware of the eligibility requirements and SSI work incentives that may bear upon your case. Contact us today at (317) 634-8565 for a free consultation.