Some Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) judges are allegedly approving many disability cases without sufficient logical basis, an article of the Wall Street Journal reported on November 14.
According to a SSA inspector general report expected to be released this week, the bulk of SSDI cases of the 275 studied cases had problems in processing. The report revealed that only 31 cases underwent “proper processing” and some of the cases should have been denied. At least 44 SSA disability judges were found to be deciding cases hastily, awarding disability benefits to an unusually high number of cases. The report findings were used to determine that SSDI benefits were awarded to estimated 24,900 cases that resulted in nearly $2 billion in paid benefits.
Applying for SSDI benefits can be frustrating, especially when disability judges are being criticized by the SSA. However, if you are applying or appealing for your disability benefits in Indiana, the lawyers of Hankey Marks & Crider may legally assist you. Find out how we could help you get your much needed benefits today by calling (317) 634-8565.