How to Prepare for a C and P ExaminationWhen applying for service connected disability benefits, the VA will likely send the Veteran a notice to attend a medical evaluation. This is called a compensation and pension exam. It is important to attend the evaluation, as this exam is different than an exam typically conducted during regular medical care.

The medical examiner is required to address questions specific to your disabilities. This includes things like:

  • Range of motion
  • Whether there is pain with motion
  • Frequency of flare ups
  • How daily activities are affected
  • Any limitations on self care
  • How the condition interferes with work
  • The impact on the Veteran’s ability to leave the house
  • Any limitations on being around others or getting along with them

The Veteran should be able to thoroughly describe the current symptoms of the condition being examined to the examiner.  If the Veteran is too nervous or reluctant to speak to the examiner about his or her conditions, it is a good idea to write down the symptoms and circumstances of the condition and hand it to the examiner. By making a list, this can give friends and family the chance to include details about the condition that they observe.

The Veteran may bring a friend or family member to the exam, but it is up to the examiner to decide if the loved one will be allowed in the room. If you would like to review the questions the examiner will be asking, the forms for specific conditions can be found at:

If the Veteran is claiming disability due to more than one condition, more than one exam may be required. There are separate exams for vision, hearing, and mental Health. When you receive your notice for an exam, call the number on the letter to confirm the place and time. You may also receive a phone call to confirm the date and time. If you cannot attend the exam on the scheduled date and time, the VA will reschedule an exam one time.  If you miss an exam, the VA will only reschedule it for good cause. If you need to change your exam date or time, the VA can be reached at 800-827-1000.

Contact a VA Attorney

Many people have legitimate VA claims denied or delayed because of small errors in paperwork. The VA disability claim attorneys with Hankey Marks & Crider can help you or your loved one through the process of filing the correct documents on time, as well as avoid other issues that commonly arise. Contact us at (317) 634-8565 to set up a consultation with a knowledgeable Veterans Affairs disability claim lawyer.