Indianapolis Lawyer for Lacerations from Dog Bites

dog bite

Lacerations are one of the most common kinds of injuries suffered from dog bites. While some lacerations may only require bandaging, these injuries can require much more intensive treatment and leave a dog bite victim with permanent scarring or disfigurement. An Indianapolis dog bite injury lawyer from the team at Hankey Marks & Crider can help you to recover compensation for expenses or losses that you incurred due to your injury. You should not have to pay out-of-pocket after being hurt due to no fault of your own.

If you have suffered severe laceration injuries after being bitten by someone else’s dog or pet, reach out to Hankey Marks & Crider at (317) 634-8565 today for a free initial case evaluation to learn how our dog bite lawyers can help you to obtain the financial recovery you deserve.

Do I Need a Lawyer after Suffering Laceration Injuries from a Dog Bite?

When you sustained lacerations from a dog bite inflicted by someone else’s dog, you may need a lawyer when you have incurred losses due to your injuries. An attorney can help you obtain compensation for medical bills, lost income from missed work, and even for physical pain and emotional trauma. If you have incurred expenses and losses due to your injury, a lawyer can make sure that you don’t have to bear the financial burdens in recovering from your injuries.

You may need a lawyer to help you understand how the law may impact your right to recover compensation. An attorney can assist with preparing an effective legal case on your behalf, especially if the dog’s owner tries to claim that you were bit after provoking the dog in some way.

Why Choose Hankey Marks & Crider for My Case?

In choosing an attorney to help with your dog bite injury claim, you will want a lawyer with the experience and resources needed to thoroughly pursue your legal options. Your lawyer should also offer a compassionate, personalized approach that gives you the support you deserve when recovering from injuries that you suffered through no fault of your own.

At Hankey Marks & Crider, our attorneys have more than 80 years of combined legal experience representing the rights and interests of injury victims. We strive to build lasting relationships with our clients and to work diligently to improve their quality of life after sustaining serious injuries.

Complications of Dog Bite Laceration Injuries

A laceration caused by a dog bite can lead to a variety of medical complications. Possible complications after suffering a laceration from a dog bite include:

  • Infections from the bacteria that live in dog’s mouths
  • Nerve and muscle damage
  • Rabies or tetanus
  • Permanent scarring, which may impact range of motion at the injury site

What to Do After Suffering a Laceration from a Dog Bite

bandaged wound

After you have been bitten by someone’s dog or pet, you can take steps to protect your rights and options for seeking financial compensation. Things to do after a dog bite laceration injury include:

  • Contact the dog’s owner and notify them of your injury. If you don’t already know the owner, make sure to get their contact information. Also, get the contact information of any witnesses to the dog bite.
  • Take photos of your injury and of the location where the dog bite occurred.
  • Seek medical treatment as soon as possible, even if your laceration injury doesn’t seem serious. Prompt treatment can help reduce the risk of complications like infection and will also ensure that your injury heals properly. Getting prompt treatment will also help eliminate one of the common reasons that insurance companies give for denying compensation claims.
  • Keep copies of your bills and invoices for expenses that you incurred, as well as copies of your income statements if you miss time from work during your recovery.
  • Speak to a dog bite injury lawyer from Hankey Marks & Crider as soon as possible, especially before you are contacted by an insurance company adjuster about your injuries.

Frequently Asked Questions about Dog Bite Lacerations

If you have suffered laceration injuries from a dog bite, you may have questions such as:

Does the “one bite” rule apply to my case?

Under Indiana law, a dog owner can be held liable for injuries inflicted by their pet if the owner was negligent. In many cases, injured dog bite victims will try to prove the owner’s negligence through what is known as the “one bite” rule. This rule states that a dog owner negligently controlled their dog when the owner knew or should have known that the dog posed a risk of biting or injuring someone. The owner’s knowledge about their dog’s risk may be presumed if the dog had previously bitten or injured someone (thus giving the “one bite” rule its name).

What compensation might I be entitled to for a laceration injury from a dog bite?

If you suffered a laceration due to a bite from somebody else’s dog or pet, you may be entitled to financial compensation for expenses and losses such as medical expenses, costs of physical therapy, lost wages/income for missed time from work, physical pain, emotional trauma or distress, or reduced quality of life due to visible scarring or disfigurement from your injuries.

Who can be held liable for my laceration injuries?

The owner of the dog that injured you can be held liable to compensate you. However, we understand that pursuing a claim for compensation can be difficult when you were bitten by a dog owned by a family member, friend, or neighbor. You likely do not want to jeopardize your personal relationship by demanding money from someone close to you. But dog bite injury claims can often be paid by the homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy of the dog’s owner, so that the owner will not need to pay out of their own pocket.

Contact Us Today

When you have suffered a laceration injury due to a dog bite, you deserve to obtain compensation for your medical expenses and other losses. The dog bite attorneys of Hankey Marks & Crider can help. Call us at (317) 634-8565 or fill out the contact form on our website for a free, no-obligation consultation to discuss your legal rights and options with a member of our legal team.