Although alcohol is available for consumption to people who are of legal age, some individuals abuse this privilege by binge drinking and causing destruction to themselves and other individuals. When someone is under the influence of alcohol, he or she is responsible for any damages caused as a result of getting drunk.

Being drunk is not an excuse for any damage done to property or injuries sustained by victims as a result. If you or a loved one has suffered as a result of an accident resulting from someone else’s use of alcohol, contact the Indianapolis personal injury lawyers of Hankey Marks & Crider today at (317) 634-8565.

Types of Alcohol-Related Accidents

When alcohol enters the bloodstream it also enters the brain and suppresses nerve pathways. This can affect individuals in a number of ways. Individuals who drink large amounts of alcohol may start to:

  • Feel overconfident
  • Express judgment that he or she normally would not express
  • Be incoherent in his or her speech
  • Feel fatigued or sleepy
  • Lose balance and sight
  • Vomit or lose consciousness

People who drink to excess increase the risk of being involved in or causing an accident. Some common alcohol related accidents include:

Contact Us

If you or someone you know has been a victim of an accident involving alcohol, contact the Indianapolis personal injury lawyers of Hankey Marks & Crider at (317) 634-8565 today.